
Friday, August 9, 2013

Surfing Paradise in Nias Island  

 Surf in Nias

Holy Grail to a surfer

Discovered in 1975 by three Australian surfers (Peter Troy, Kevin Lovett and John Giesel), the wave (simply called The Point) has become one of the legendary waves of the surfing world for every tube-rider looking for tropical barrels. Surfing in Sorake Beach is all about power, consistency, daily perfection and regularity, it truly is a surfing paradise, in a bay surrounded by palm-fringed beaches and bungalows on stilts.
Directly facing the famous roaring forties and the howling fifties, these islands receive continuously, from March to October, swells that are 4 to 12 feet high and that can even reach 15 feet between May and September. From November to February, the swells are less important in size but still frequent and they are usually 2 to 4 feet high, which make them ideal waves for beginners.
The wave has two or three barreling sections, and works with every size of swell up to triple-to-four times overhead. The wind is offshore 90 percent of the time, and it is possible to surf unreal glassy conditions in the morning and in the late afternoon.
Surfing in NIAS is perfect to learn how to get barreled or to practice your tube-ride technique, and to surf absolutely flawless conditions until you drop. You will be able to score in Sorake some of the best waves of your life, and some great tube rides
NIAS is surfable all the year

Small : November – March  - Bigger : March – June  - Biggest : June – September  


Surfing in NIAS Spots

Most people have heard about or have seen photos of Nias. But most people don’t know is that there are many more waves in close proximity to the famous right.


Main Break
One of the most mechanically breaking waves on the planet. This wave was made for surfing. Deep water and a consistent take off area, surf-able on all tides, with the wave finishing in the deep water of the bay. To top that off you paddle out from a keyhole in the reef, at the back of the break and don’t even get your hair wet.

Outside Classic NIAS  

Breaking best and regular at between 5 to 8 feet the outside wave is what we all come to surf. Larger & thicker swells generated in the Indian Ocean through June to October start to move closer to the equator, this gives consistent waves on the outside point in NIAS.

Inside Kiddies Corner  “Exercise Machine”

When the swells drop during the months from November to March, the waves are usually at they’re smallest and least powerful, but don’t be disappointed as the surf still consistently rolls in, inside wave just mechanically peels closer into the reef. Breaking for around 150mtrs with a variety of sections that make you physically sweat to pump your way through to the end bowl which delivers a surprisingly good barrel over the shallow bottom at the end of the main reef. A great wave for learning, for styling on Malibu and for maintaining top surf fitness.


As the name says, Indicators gives you a reasonably good idea when the waves and sets are running into the bay and are going to break on the main break. A 250mtr paddle to the right of the “keyhole”, this wave peels down a near straight line of shallow reef. Surfed on a rising tide and clean conditions the wave can generate intense tube rides of over 10 seconds.
A Short leg rope is recommended as is Helmet booties & rubber for protection

Machine Left

A half moon shallow reef surfed on rising and high tides situated around a 20-minute walk at the end of the beach in Lagundri Bay. The Wave produces a world class section of left breaking reef that breaks as mechanically as a machine. A very powerful wave breaking on shallow reef. Unfortunately this spot has been gone since Tsunami

River Mouth

10 minutes walk from the main break at the head of Lagundri Bay Beach. This wave is great for learning on and for surfing if the waves on the point are out of control.
Breaking on a sand bottom this wave can change with sand movement but always has something happening if the swell is running big in the bay.

Outside Right (SoBatu Deep Jungle)

A heavy shifty right breaking reef around 10 minutes walk to the right of the Sorake Beach Resort. This wave has a heavy take off and heavy sections, not yet surfed to its full potential. So Batu was the location for the Semi & finals of the 2000 WQS O’Neill Deep Jungle Open contest, which provided world class surf while taking a professional surfing competition into a new realm of adventure surfing, in a remote and isolated location.

Outside Left

 The outside left is also an indicator for swell coming into Lagundri Bay. Breaks big and a long way out to sea and have some unpredictable sections. As surfing progresses and access to this wave is made easier, this wave will definitely give some excitement for the hell men.

Walohiu ( bay of Shark)
A new potential left break begging to be surfed.  Acces by walk or boat about 1 hours from the main point Sorake Beach. This spot also can be accesed 15 minutes with car or motorbike to the nearest village(Botohilisaloo) and then walked from the villages another 20 minutes.

Secret Right and Left ( So Bagimboho)
A new discover wave whics is still secret, accesed by boat from the main point.

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